

Growing resilience and positivity in the face of medical adversity

Beth Greenaway

Have you been through serious medical adversity or trauma?

How can you ensure that you will come out the other side stronger and more resilient, and not be forever negatively impacted by your experiences?

In UPBEAT, Beth Greenaway shows you there is no need to feel isolated or to struggle alone. You will discover recognised tools and techniques that can help you let go of fear and anxiety, and accelerate the process of acceptance and post-traumatic growth.

With lessons drawn from Beth’s own journey, this book will show you how to:

  • Rebuild your confidence and boost your inner strength
  • Nurture a healthy mindset to deal with uncertainty and loss of control
  • Live successfully, day to day, with a long-term illness
  • Develop a toolbox of ideas and coping strategies to help you move forward and thrive
  • Find the positives in your adversity and use them as a springboard for personal growth

UPBEAT offers not only hope and inspiration, but proven strategies to help you face adversity and thrive.

Beth Greenaway has faced more than her share of medical adversity. Born with a serious congenital heart condition, she has bounced back from three open-heart surgeries, a stroke which left her blind in one eye, and a life-threatening heart infection which kept her hospitalised for several months. None of this has stopped her living life to the full, competing as an endurance athlete, living overseas, running a successful business, or working as a personal trainer for others with long-term medical conditions. She would say she has achieved these things not in spite of her heart health but because of it.

  • ISBN: 9781781333075
  • Pages: 186
  • Published: April 2018
  • Price: £11.99

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