
The Right Clients

Choose who you work with, reclaim your energy and lead with authenticity

Chet Morjaria

It’s not about more clients.

It’s about more of The Right Clients.

It’s better to have a few of The Right Clients than a lot of the wrong clients. When your business is filled with the wrong clients, you’ll feel stretched thin, because nothing is ever enough. You’ll feel that you can’t do your best work and you’re not being true to yourself. And you’ll start to see your relationships suffer.

The only way forward is for you to choose who you work with. Because it’s not just that you need to be right for your clients. Your clients also need to be right for you.

This book will lead you to:

  • Figure out who your true niche is.
  • Find clients who truly value your work.
  • Filter your clients before they start with you.
  • Free yourself from the clients you secretly dread.
  • Focus your energy on the people who matter.
  • Fill your business with more of The Right Clients.
  • Feel aligned and authentic to your work and words.

  • ISBN: 9781781336526
  • Pages: 186
  • Published: December 2021
  • Price: £11.99

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