
The Magic In Me

Transform your relationship with yourself and the key people in your life

Rina Bajaj

The pressure to live up to the expectations of others affects our wellbeing and can exacerbate anxiety, negative thinking patterns and low self-worth.

The Magic In Me is a practical self-empowerment tool – like a psychologist in your pocket – to help you resist and overcome this pressure. Providing practical advice and exercises focused on improving your relationships, including the crucial relationship with yourself, it will support you to find your voice, reconnect with your truest, most authentic self, and find your version of happiness. Read and work through this book to:

  • Understand the links between your feelings, thoughts and behaviours, and how to begin to make changes that serve you
  • Discover your attachment style and its influence on your relationships
  • Challenge negative thinking patterns, mental blocks and limiting beliefs
  • Learn how to regulate your emotions to cope better with difficult situations
  • Take positive action for a genuinely fulfilling life

  • ISBN: 9781781337639
  • Pages: 212
  • Published: May 2023
  • Price: £14.99

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