
Business Head, Spiritual Heart

Align Your Head & Heart To Improve Performance, Profit and Happiness

Shilpa Unalkat, Debbie Jenkins

Do you sometimes dread going to work because you feel overworked and unappreciated? Stressed and exhausted? Bored and frustrated? Have you ever noticed that you are so terrified of losing your job (or your business) that your relationship with your company is not that different from that of a wage-slave? Do you sometimes feel as if you leave behind the ‘real’ you when you enter the workplace? Whether you are a business leader, social worker or secretary this book will help you identify the times and places when you are in the ‘flow’ and teach you how to bring that resource into the workplace with you every day. The result is more spiritual and material wealth where your life is measured by the quality of your experiences rather than how much you earn. Shilpa Unalkat, LL.B, DHP is a former city lawyer with extensive experience in executive coaching, training, NLP and psychotherapy. She works closely with aspiring entrepreneurs and international organisations that actively follow the ‘conscious business’ model. Shilpa is recognised as a world-class facilitator of conscious leadership skills and supports businesses in creating more effective, inspiring and sustainable companies. Her underlying approach is unique as it addresses the energetic vitality and emotional aspects in a business, thereby transforming the difficult issues that prevent companies from reaching their full potential. This book shares Shilpa’s philosophy that by being both ambitious and spiritual, you can achieve your heart’s desires with the blessings of a higher force. Learn more at

  • ISBN: 9781905430659
  • Pages: 204
  • Published: May 2009
  • Price: £15

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