
The Seeker

A clear path for developing you and your people

Ali Stewart

Are you a business owner, leader or entrepreneur…

Who finds managing others hard and stressful?

Or maybe managing you is your biggest challenge?

If you currently lead a team, often knowing how to motivate and engage them is really hard. Some people just don’t behave as you expect, some don’t work well with others, some don’t like their hours or pay, some consistently miss deadlines, some cause more problems than they solve. You wonder why you bother employing people at all. Or maybe you’re the problem. You need to get out of your own way to achieve the success you deserve, and it’s hard to maintain your resilience and sense of self, when there’s always so much to do.


This book is your perfect guide to managing you and your people. It will:

  • Put you on a path to achieving more success and balance for you
  • Provide you with a superb, proven system for leading people to success
  • Free you up to be more strategic and do what you’re good at
  • Stop you becoming distracted and ground down by ‘people’ issues
  • Enable you to keep people happy, productive and engaged

  • ISBN: 9781781338629
  • Pages: 184
  • Published: June 2024
  • Edition: 2: New Edition
  • Price: £19.99

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