
The Secret Sauce

Superscale your business and empower your talent with empathetic leadership

Sam Smith

If you’re heading towards your first million in revenue, you need a team that will help you scale without fail.

Supercharge your business growth and build a team that shares your vision and values.

The Secret Sauce reveals the recipe for a truly inclusive culture that makes your people feel uniquely valued. Set yourself apart from the competition by adding flavours that energise employees and the spice that enlivens your business prospects and long-term sustainable growth.

Read this book to understand:

• The importance of a growth mindset in building your business

• How to empower and motivate your team on the scaling journey

• What kind of culture encourages business growth

• Why good team communication matters so much

• What you gain when your employees are emotionally and financially engaged


  • ISBN: 9781781337868
  • Pages: 168
  • Published: June 2023
  • Price: £13.99

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