

In the Stillness Everything Happens

Anne Stewart, Jack Stewart, Diana Spencer

(Princess) Diana Spencer contacted British healer and PSYCHIC Anne Stewart in July 2011 and began a series of channellings that, to use her own words ‘will change the world.’ The Diana message is unsurprisingly one of Love. ‘It isn’t just about loving each other and changing the world; it is loving everything to change the world.’ In this book, through nineteen channellings from January 2012 to July 2013, read Diana’s very simple, workable and profound recipe for humanity to ‘re-claim our birth right and birth place.’ * Heal your mind and body using an ancient healing symbol. * De-toxify your food and water. * Wake up to the truth of what’s going on in the world. * Let go of a lifetime of negative, restrictive conditioning. * Improve your breathing; balance your body’s energy system. * Realise the power of prayer, blessing and gratitude. * Send the ‘love vibration’ out to everyone and ‘take the planet to another dimension.’ Diana chose Anne Stewart because ‘I had been with her in other times’, for her ‘purity of heart’ and because ‘people trust her.’ This is a book by Diana, not about Diana. Anne and author husband Jack run Diana Divine Healing workshops wherever the call takes them. Diana has already promised a sequel.

  • ISBN: 9780992686505
  • Pages: 222
  • Published: March 2014
  • Price: £15

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