
Mr Mikey’s Ladies

Lucy McCarraher

Mr Mikey is middle-aged, gay – and sick of being a hairdresser. He married his Aussie lover’s sister to gain legal residency Down Under, but then lover Bryan died and wife Dolly got knocked up on a one night stand – leaving him a gay, but far from merry, widow with a wife and child to support. His Ladies, clients of his boutique Sydney salon, sustain him with their friendship and confidences, though sometimes the salacious details of their sex lives are almost more than his refined sensibilities can take. But as he listens to their tales of love and loss, pain and pleasure, Mr Mikey decides to weave them into a musical masterpiece – his escape route to fame and fortune. “A truly remarkable, brilliantly written book. Everyone should read it, whether or not they approve!” Jo Holloway, Sunpenny Publishing “Written with her usual fluency and panache: very funny in parts, very sexy in others… a very entertaining book.” Mike Barnard, Macmillan “This is great fun – very Mama Mia! Gloriously camp in places and most entertaining with its idiosyncrasies and sheer originality.” Maxine Hitchcock, Harper Collins “This reminded me just how stylish – and funny – a writer Lucy McCarraher is. It did make me laugh. I liked the clarity of the voice, the humour, the setting.” Will Atkins, Macmillan New Writing

  • ISBN: 9781907498886
  • Pages: 264
  • Published: April 2012
  • Price: £8.99

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